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Minggu, 24 November 2019


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english language teaching curriculum

Overview of Curriculum

become a  teacher is not easy, the teacher should know how to design the curriculu, sylabus, lesson plan, etc. here, i would give you some paper about English language teaching curriculum

Members :

NIKMAH HIDAYATI ( 2317.060 )
BULAN SARI ( 2317.064 )
WAT YURISMAWATI ( 2317.065 )



Praise to God almighty for the blessing of his grace, and that we were given the opportunity to be able to complete a working paper entitled “Overview of Curriculum” is properly, correctly, and on time.
This paper is structure so that readers can know how important application of English language in daily life. This paper was complied with help from various parties. Both parties come from outside as well as from parties concerned itself. And because the aid and help of God almighty, these papers can be finally resolved.
This is paper about “Overview of Curriculum” and deliberately chosen because in this day and age the use of English need to have the support of all those who care about the world of education.
The compliers also thanked to Ms. Absharini as the teacher/tutors in English subject. Who have many professors help compliers in order to complete this paper.
Hopefully this paper can give a broader insight to the reader. Although this paper have advantages and disadvantages. For advice and comment please his constituents. Thank you.

Bukittinggi, 31 August 2019


1.     Background of the paper………………….…………………………
2.     Problem formulation…………………………………………………
3.     Purpose of the paper……………………….…………………………

1.     Introduction  ………………………………………………………………..
2.     Four categories of language teaching activities ……………………………
3.     Overview of curriculum components ………………………...…………....
4.     Systematic approach to designing and maintaining language curriculum …
BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………….



As the teacher we must understand about how to organize syllabus. Many parts of curriculum that we do not know, especially structure of curriculum that we can see many problem in teaching activities. In other hand, that problems make many teachers confuse how to teach the students in the classroom.
In this paper we discuss about overview of curriculum by know the methods in teaching language, interface of teaching and curriculum activities.

1.     What is the overview of curriculum?
2.     What are the four categories of curriculum component?
3.     What are the curriculum components?

1.     To know about the overview of curriculum
2.     To know the four categories of curriculum components
3.     To know the curriculum components

1.     Introduction
In language teaching teachers can use various methods such as audiolingual, classical approach, pair work, natural way, dictation, structural approach, grammar translation, topical, drama, the army method, problem solving, eclecticism, communicative, task, suggestopedia, direct, silent way, counseling-learning, Dartmouth method, speed writing, total physical response, skills, notional, jazz chants, cloze.Each “method” has tended about what students need to learn, the best way to match the students’ learning style, or in cases the truth about how to present or practice language.
Three authors have attempted to sort out and make sense of this confusion: Anthony (1965), Richard and Rodger (1982), and McKay (1978).
And then, Anthony (1965) provide a framework for comparing and understanding the relationship among  the various different language teaching activities that he identified even at the early date. His framework includes three categories into which all such activities can be classified: approach, method, and technique.
The term approach includes all points of view on the nature of language and the nature of language teaching and learning. Anthony uses as his example the aural-oral approach. Anthony uses the term method to describe different plans for presenting language to students in an orderly manner. For example in method Anthony uses mim-mem (mimic-memorize) and pattern practice, which he further describes as two ways of presenting the material within the single aural-oral approach. The term technique to define what actually happens in the classroom, and Anthony said that “different technique would be appropriate in different situations. Simple imitation might suffice, or the teacher might use the pencil in the mouth to prevent the student’s tongue from touching the alveolar ridge.”
Adopted from Richard and Rodger (1982), they provide a more recent response to the need for understanding the distinction in the growing list of term associated with existing language teaching activities, based on Richard and Rodger, approach is a theory of the nature of language and a theory of the nature of learning language. The termdesign, Richard and Rodger which they delineate as the specification of content, as well as specification of the roles of learners, teachers, and materials. In term design it is a definition of linguistic content and specifications for theselection and organization of content, a specification of the role of learners, a specification of the role of teachers, and a specification of the role of materials. The term procedure, included descriptions of techniques and practices in the instructional system. 
Also attempting to find pattern in the confusion that is language teaching methodology, McKay (1978) describes the types of syllabus that have been used in language teaching. She points to three ways of organization that have appeared during the history of language teaching: structural syllabus, situational syllabus, and notional syllabus.
2.     Four Categories of Language Teaching Activity

a.      Ways of defining needs: Approach
Under the term approach the preconceptions, assumptions, and theoretical underpinnings for what happens in the classroom will be lump together here. Example of approach is classical approach ( humanism student need to read the classical ) grammar-translation approach (student need to learn with economy of time and effort ) direct approach ( student need to learn communication  so they should use only second language in class ) audiolingual approach (student need operant conditioning and behavioral  modification to learn language ) communicative approach ( student must be able to express their intentions that is they must learn the meanings that are important to them ). 
b.     Ways of organizing : syllabuses
McKay (1978,p . 11 ) uses the term syllabus in a special way that seems to applay here. “ a syllabus provides a focus for what should be studied, along with a rationale for how that content should be selected and ordered. Currently, the literature reflects three major types of syllabuses  : structural, situational, and national.” 7 syllabuses following  McKay plus explanations of four other types of syllabuses that author have came across in ESL/EFL teaching and material.
1.     Structural syllabuses
Grammatical and phonological structures are the  organizazing principle sequenced from easy to difficult or frequent to less frequent
2.     Situational
Situational syllabuses are based on the idea that language is found in different context, or situsional. Situtinal( such us at the bank, at the supermarket, at the restaurant, and so forth) form the organizing principle sequenced by the likelihood student will encounter them (structural sequence my be in background)
3.     Topical  syllabuses
McKay does not discuss this category but topicalysyllabusesare similar to situtional syllabuses. Topics or themes (such as health, food, clothing, and so forth ) form the organizing principle  sequenced by the likelihood that students will encounter them (structural sequence may be in background)
4.     Functional
Function(such as identifying, reporting, correcting, describing, and so forth ) are the organizing principle sequenced by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each functions  ( structural and situational sequenced  may be in background)

5.     National
National syllabus is organized around abstract conceptual categories called general nations, conceptual categories called nations (such as duration, quantity, location, and so for). Are the basis of organization sequences by some sense of chronology or usefulness of each notion (structural situational sequence maybe in background)
6.     Skill
Skill (such as listening gist, listening for main ideas, listening for inferences, scanning a reading passage for specific information and so forth). Serve are the basis for organization sequence by some sense of chronology or usefulness for each skills.
7.      Task
Task or activity based categories (such as drawing maps, following direction, following instruction, and so forth).Serve as the basis for organization sequence by some sense of chronology of usefulness notion.
c.      Ways of presenting : technique
Technique form a category of teaching activities that seems relatively independent from approaches an syllabuses. For instance, a variety of technique might be used to present a structural syllabus based on direct approach.
The examples of technique such as bridging activities (direct dialogue), discussion (grammar demonstren dialogue), idea frame (lecturer on rules of language), object- centered lesson (verb- centerd lesson).
d.     Ways of practicing the language: Exercises.
Perhaps the best ways to separate  the two types of activities is to think of exercise as those types of activities that could probably be used to test or asses the students after the lessons or unit is finished, while techniques would probably not be usable in assessment.

3.     Overview of curriculum components
Curriculum components there are three :
a.      Curriculum development is a part of activities that consist among of the staff, faculty, administration and students two the growth.
b.     Curriculum activities is a framework that helps the teacher to accomplish what ever combination of teaching activities is most suitable in there professional judge men for a given situation, that is, a framework that helps the students to learn as efficiently and effectively as possible in the given situation.
c.      Curriculum design is the process could be viewed as being made up of the people and the paper- moving operations that make the doing of teaching and learning possible.
4.     Systematic approach to designing and maintaining language curriculum (adapted from brown 1989a)
a.      Need analysis
Need analysis in language program is identification of the language forms that the student will likely need to use in the target language when the are required to actually understand and produce the language.
b.     Goals and objectives
Goals is the general statement about what must be accomplished in order to attain and satisfy student’s need. Objective, are precise statement about what content or skills the student must master in oreer to attain a particular goal.
c.      Language testing
The method author advocate here for test development requires the use of two different types of test: norm-referenced test intended to compare the relative performance of students to each other; and criterion- referenced test intended to measure the amount of course material that each students has learned.

d.     Material development
In the material development process,having clear-cut need analysis, objective, and test will be of considerable help to planner.
e.      Language teaching
Objectives, tests, and materials development should all be group effort drawing on the expertise, time, and energy available from everyone involved in the program. This kind of support can help teachers do a superior job at what they are hired for teaching.
f.      Program evaluation
Evaluation might be defined as the systematic collection and analysis of all relevant information necessary to promote the improvement of the curriculum and to assess its effectiveness within the context of the particular institutions involved. Program evaluation then might be defined as the ongoing process of information gathering, analysis, and synthesis.


This paper talk about the various teaching activities consist of approaches, syllabues, techniques, and exercises. The system framework for curriculumdevelopment to be useful in making choices and implementing a cogent curriculum.
This paper far from perfection, and authors hopes that reader can give some suggestion for a better next paper. 

Brown, James Dean. 1995. The Element of Language Curriculum. Heinle&Heinle Publisher: Boston

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