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Minggu, 24 November 2019


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Gusti Milla Quaidy1, Anggun Amelia2, Muhammad Fajri3, Bulan Sari4,Afdhol Auliya5
1English Education Departement, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, States Islamic Instutute of Bukittinggi, Indonesia
2Communication and Islamic Broadcasting, Faculty of Ushuluddin Adab and Da'wah, States Islamic Instutute of Bukittinggi, Indonesia
3Law of Islamic Family Departement, Faculty of Syari’ah, , States Islamic Instutute of Bukittinggi, Indonesia
4 English Education Departement, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, States Islamic Instutute of Bukittinggi, Indonesia
5 English Education Departement, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, States Islamic Instutute  of   Bukittinggi, Indonesia


This article mainly is presented to investigate the teachers’ role in classroom management especially to minimize the number of plagiarism activities during examination in the classroom. It arises because the students still like doing plagiarism in classroom especially while doing examination. The unrecommended activity in academic field occurs because  the students need to reach the objective which is presented by the curriculum at the school. It creates the students to try any efforts in getting the objective eventhough it is not suggested in academic field. One of examples is doing plagiarism during examination. The activity is done by the students because the students are anxious if they cannot pass the examination by Minimum Learning Mastery (called KKM in Indonesia) so that they wiil be difficult to continue their study to the next level. Therefore, this article is noteworthy to be discussed to know the teachers’ role in reducing plagiarism which is often done by number of students.
Key Words : During Examination, Plagiarism, Activity, Academic Field.


In 21th century, Education is the key to solve multi dimensional obstacle in society through knowledge and It also can change people character. Unfortunately, there are lots of academic dishonesties in education program especially in School. One of them is doing plagiarism such as cheating during examination. It happens because the students need to get the target of the learning in which getting high mark. The students must be able to get the mark of each lesson more than the criteria of mastery learning (in Indonesia, it is called KKM).
Furthermore, the students are not only supposed to get the mark of each lesson more than the criteria of mastery learning but they are also supposed to learn a lot to be already for national examination where the test will determine the students’ ability and will be one of the condition to enter the university. In fact, those learning goals can create the inquality education. The students will try anything way to get the highest mark whether it is in class examination or it can be in national examination. Based on Taderera, et al, three (3) factors had high frequencies; students not being prepared for examinations, over- crowded venues and fear of failing and repeating given high fees[1]. The studies of the reseachers mentioned that being fear of failing is one of the factors. It arises because of the learning goals in which getting highest mark.
The problems above appears because the teacher is not really able in classroom management so that the cheating during examination happens.  Thus, this paperbis proposed to show the teachers’ role in reducing plagiarism (cheating) during examination.

Definition of Cheating

            Cheating is one of plagiarism activity which is prohibited in educational system. It occurs because it can make the students being dishonest with the learning outcomes. Based on Wilkinson in Sarita (2015) that Cheating means copying from other students during exams, one of the forms of misconduct that has become one of the biggest concerns of educational institutions[2].  The statement defines that the unsuggested activity has been a big concern in educational system. Most of students assume that cheating can help them to get the students getting good mark. In fact, The students never know how to respect the learning process and They also never know their ability.

The student’s reason in doing plagiarism

Doing cheating during examination has been a students’ habitual activity during examination. According to Sarita (2015), It happens because of several reasons, they are :
Some reasons identified for the rise of academic cheating include pressure from teachers, parents, and peers. The school environment, home environment, educational anxiety and ever changing technology also contribute to the rise of academic cheating[3].

  1. Peer Pressure
Peer pressure is the prime mover of cheating. It occurs because if the peer group does an academic dishonesty, then it can influence to do same. It really gives negative impact to the students who sit in the situation. Thus, this situation is one of the reason of the students why they do the unsuggested activity.

  1. School Environment
School environment is the place which is academic cheating take place. The academic cheating in school environment arises because the students compete each other to get the rank in the classroom so that they want to do that. Not all of students have high IQ in comprehending knowledge which is delivered by the teachers, few of students have avarege ability in comprehending the knowledge. In fact, the students want to compete with their collegues to get the higher rank.

  1. Home Environment
Home environment means that an atmosphere which is from of the parental pressure. Regarding to Taylor in Sarita (2015), Academic dishonesty is more likely to occur with parental pressure to get good grades[4]. It means that the students will get pressure from their parents to get the high mark or the rank in the classroom. The situation has happened commonly in home situation so that most of students try to get the best to make  their parents being happy eventhough it is done by doing cheating.

  1. Educational Anxiety
Educational anxiety happens because of any pressures which is given by the parents or school. The students are forced to achieve top scores.

The students’ reasons which are mentioned above is happen because the students are given pressure for any sources to geth the top score in the classroom or high mark in examination result. It can make the learning goals in which to get the comprehension in whole lessons change to get the highest mark only.  

Teacher’s role in reducing plagiarsm

Teacher has big role in students’ achievement. It happens because teachers are not only a educator but teachers are also a motivator or inspirator who always motivate the students. Qualitative study, secondary school students are more honest during exam if they perceive their teacher is motivated, friendly, and cares about their students’ future (McCabe’s in Orosz, 2015)[5].  It means that the teachers are the controller on students’ character. The teachers should be close in emotional with the students to get their empathy so that they will do all of students’ want. In reality, the teachers only focus on teaching withouth giving any motivation to the students.
The teachers also must be able in managing the classroom. According to Levin and Nolan suggests that there are many different teaching strategies and management styles that teachers can use to promote good classroom management. They suggest three ways in which the class can be managed; student directed management, collaborative management and teacher directed management[6]. It shows that there are various ways as a teacher in managing the classroom. Thus the teachers must be creative to build classroom athmosphere so that the students will not do cheating during examination. These are the suggested way :
1.     The teachers can ask the students to sit in the field of the classroom.
The students will do an examination in the field of the classroom so that the teachers will be easier to control it in large area.
2.     The teachers can create various objects for each students or row.
The teachers will make various types of objects to the students so that they will be difficult to do cheating
3.     The teachers can make a exercise in which need the own argument to answer it (just for essay).

Therefore, the teachers have big role to manage the classroom so that the students will not be easy to do cheating in the classroom.


Learning is not an activity in which just need to get the high mark but learning is a process to get the knowledge totally so that the learners (students) will comprehend the subject well. Unfortunately, there are any activities which involve students to be dishonest in learning process. It is cheating. Cheating is not a suggested activity because It can make the students lazy to learn a lot so that they will never know the learning outcomes. In this case, the teachers have big role to solve the problem by applying various method in conducting examination. Surely, the teachers also need to  motivate the students if the cheating activity is not good activity that can make the students lazy to think and learn. Thus, this paper is proposed to know the teachers’ role in reducing students’ activity in cheating during examination.

Taderera, Ever, et al , Exploring management strategies to reduce cheating in written examinations: case study of  Midlands State University, Journal of Case Studies in Education.
Sarita, et al. 2015. Academic cheating among students:pressure of parents and  teachers,International Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 1(10).
Orosz, Gabor, et al. (2015), “Teacher enthuasiasim: a potential cure of academic cheating”, Researchgate, vol.6.
Vijayan, Priya, et al. (2016), “The role of teachers’ behavior and strategies in managing a classroom environment”,International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, vol. 6.

[1] .                 Taderera, Ever, et al , Exploring management strategies to reduce cheating in written examinations: case study of  Midlands State University, Journal of Case Studies in Education.

[2]              Sarita, et al. 2015. Academic cheating among students:pressure of parents and  teachers,International Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 1(10), p.793
[3]              Ibid., p.795
[4]              Ibid., p.795
[5]              Orosz, Gabor, et al. (2015), “Teacher enthuasiasim: a potential cure of academic cheating”, Researchgate, vol.6, p.3.

[6]              Vijayan, Priya, et al. (2016), “The role of teachers’ behavior and strategies in managing a classroom environment”,International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, vol. 6, p.202.

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